the story told in sokphal din's the killing fields of cambodia is truly gut-wrenching and gruesome, but his writing is bland, boring, emotionless, stagnant and monotone, and it feels like he is giving me a run-down of what happened and who passed away with no emotions. i don't blame him because he doesn't necessarily work as an author and the things he went through under the despicable khmer rouge are enough to make your insides twist, but from a story-telling perspective this book was mediocre.
the story told in sokphal din's the killing fields of cambodia is truly gut-wrenching and gruesome, but his writing is bland, boring, emotionless, stagnant and monotone, and it feels like he is giving me a run-down of what happened and who passed away with no emotions. i don't blame him because he doesn't necessarily work as an author and the things he went through under the despicable khmer rouge are enough to make your insides twist, but from a story-telling perspective this book was mediocre.
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