I really expected to hate this book. Even tho I had people telling me it was controversial and they still loved it, something about the premise made me uneasy and expect the worst. BUT the opposite happened. I literally could not put this book down the last 2 days. I'm not a fast reader but I read over 150 pages both days because I needed to know what happened to Wavy. I found myself rooting for the convict and hating the righteous aunt by the end of the book. You have to keep an open mind while reading this one, but once you do, true love conquers all.
Honestly read most of this tonight. Once I picked it back up I had to finish it. I started to realize the stories were about him pretty early on I feel but I had to know where he was going with it. Shyla was awesome. I loved her character. And the way she still felt sorry for him and took care of him at the end after EVERYTHING he did to her blows my mind. The poor girl had been traumatized so young and he just completely stomped on her trauma cause he cared more about his own. Sheesh. Is it sad that I found this book slightly refreshing after reading Dead Inside? 😅😅😂
The first 400 pages of the book sucked me in and had me craving what was next. It was so hard to put down. But some of the characters and commentary were odd to me. Maybe I'm reading into it too much but I feel like you could tell a male wrote their perspectives. Also the ending fell flat for me. I feel like I seen it coming a mile away and was just really hoping for something to knock my socks off after the lead up. I was pretty disappointed with the ending but nonetheless the book kept me reeled in for 85% of it. I just thought it would have ended with more of a bang.
Can we just start with the cliffhanger.... 🤯🤯🤯 I'm ITCHING to read the next book. I received an ARC of this book by the very generous author. This book was absolutely captivating from the start. I will admit the “family” dynamics were pretty hard to understand at first (for me personally—I was thankful for that family tree) but once you catch on it's super easy! The amount of twists and turns this took me on was insane. I have a few theories on the cliffhanger and where the next book—Our Lips Are Sealed— is taking us and I cannot wait to test those theories and get another thrill of a lifetime with book 2! Will highly recommend this to all my bookish friends 🥰
I enjoyed this while reading, even spooked me some! Sadly I guessed what was actually happening about 1/3 of the way through. Otherwise it was a good time and I enjoyed the read!
Really didn't see that ending coming. Absolutely loved this one the whole way throughout. Impeccable.
ARC READER REVIEWThis book was a super anticipated read for me after BT&WL became one of my top fav books of the year, an easy 5 star. I was lucky enough to receive and ARC of this book for an honest review. Up to the 50% mark I enjoyed this book thoroughly!! The angst, the buildup, the sadness of loss, all of it I was loving. The first spice scene was beyond anticipated and it was a slight letdown for me personally. If I had to read the words “punish” or “worship” one more time in the same scene it was gonna ruin it for me. It was kind of “okay we get the point” move on, and usually any kind of spice I love, it just seemed like she was trying too hard since it took so long to get to the spice in the first place. Then afterwards I just really had a hard time dealing with the FMC-Mare or Goldie as Cade calls her. I don't understand how she couldn't realize this man loved her?? Are you blind? Cade Jennings is the perfect man and she was quite the idiot for awhile. Too self centered and not focused on anyone else. (Just a personal thing—nothing against the book or writing style) Then at about the 70% for a moment I was like “wow if Cade wasn't a hopeless romantic in a romance novel he could easily be a stalker in a thriller 😅 I mean the house, the tattoo, the field of marigolds?!? I mean geez dude good thing she loves you back 😅 but then once the FT smut scene hit, the heart to heart between Cade and his dad, plus the letter from Linda, I was hooked again. The ending was OF COURSE perfect. Although I will admit, when she reached in her purse I thought for SURE a positive pregnancy test was coming out, not the new book 😅 all in all another great read from Kat!! I will continue to read her books and will definitely purchase a copy of rewrite our story for my collection ❤️
Kat did it again!! Wow! Idk what it is it how she does it but her writing style just sucks me in! This book was fantastic! I loved the tropes and I think this may be my new favorite by Kat! The smut—🔥🔥, the story—🔥🔥, the writing style—🔥🔥, everything was 5/5 for me and I seriously can't wait for Emma's story!!
This was a hard one to rate. It had a VERY strong start. I was in it for the first 300 pages then it came to an EXTREME halt for roughly 100 pages... extremely boring a whole lot of filler. Too many adjectives and paragraph after paragraph of how the snow looked. After awhile I started skimming portions of the book. It was slightly ridiculous how drug out it was in certain areas. The last 80 or so pages were phenomenal again. I'm glad I decided not to DNF this book because the ending saved it somewhat. I think this book would have gotten 5 stars from me if it would have been a 350 page book. No reason the story couldn't have been told in that amount of pages. All in all a terrific concept, terrifying.
The first 40% of the book dragged for me. I get that he had to set the scene and all but it could have been about 100 pages shorter. It also wasn't what I expected it to be until the last maybe 20 pages. I wanted those last 20 pages throughout the entire book. Some twists and turns along the way keep me entertained throughout and overall I enjoyed the second half of the book! It may have saved my rating from plummeting.
I loved this book so so so much. I'm learning it has some of my favorite tropes in contemporary romance! Virgin, best friend's brother, close proximity, baseball, college, jock & nerd, etc. This was just the cutest story and I fell in LOVE with the characters instantly. My only couple slight gripes would be the “3rd act break-up”. And the way the author ended chapters. With the “break-up”, I had to keep telling myself Hallie was immature in the dating aspect and she was a virgin before, therefore why she was being BEYOND stupid. lol literally no reason for her to cry like a 12 year old. Use your words and talk about it like a big girl, I mean c'mon, you're in college but anyway, besides that—I just hated how at the end of a smut chapter the author would leave you hanging with Hallie asking to do something again or Lane having a quirky come back. There were times where I felt she could have lost her virginity sooner but we were left unsure because of how the author chose to end the chapters. Otherwise this book was everything I needed it to be. I am so happy I read this before Catching Feelings comes out because I cannot WAIT for that one 💜
Very quick, effective horror. Story was good, kinda seen most of it coming tho. Didn't expect the ending and not sure I'm for it but I enjoyed the fast paced read!
I loved the smut, Definitely well written! I love the age gap too just realizing the daddy kink isn't for me. It peaked my interest enough to read her other novellas on KU though. So it was definitely good enough!