If anything it suffers slightly from penultimate-in-a-series syndrome. Setting up nicely for what should be a killer conclusion to one of the best series around!
Mark Lawrence does it again. Nearly surpassed Sins of Empire for the year's best (so far) I'm very much looking forward to what else is in store for Nona Grey.
A satisfying ending to an outstanding series. A few of my questions were wrapped up, fingers crossed for some more stories in this world.
Shout out to Mark Lawrence for putting this book on my radar! I don't have much of a track record writing reviews on here but it would be negligent of me not to say a few words of praise.
Unlike some reviews, I was not immediately sucked into the novel. I wasn't sure what to expect heading in and found myself as baffled as Senlin in the early chapters. But, just like our hero, I learned to quickly do away with my naivete as the story rose with the tower. Josiah Bancroft has delivered a wholly original, wholly engaging work of speculative fiction. It is charming, witty, sometimes hilarious, often terrifying, and I cannot wait to dive into the next book!
My...third read? I'm a big fan of Cameron's work and this is my favorite series of his. Highly recommend for any fans of historical fiction, especially medieval. Very much looking forward to the newest installment