4.17 415 reads5 3 readsPossessing the Secret of Joy
3.75 5 readsIn Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose
0 1 read3.17 4 readsA Cor Púrpura
Alice Walker Betúlia Machado (Translator) 5 4 reads3.5 3 reads0 1 readIn Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women
5 1 readWe are the ones we have been waiting for
5 1 read0 0 readsNow Is the Time to Open Your Heart
2 1 read0 1 read4 2 readsBarracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo"
5 1 readBy the Light of My Father's Smile
0 0 readsThe Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction
The Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction: Fifty North American Stories Since 1970
Amy Bloom Kate Braverman Robert Olen Butler Ethan Canin Raymond Carver Sandra Cisneros Michael Cunningham Sherman Alexie Stuart Dybek Tony Earley Louise Erdrich Richard Ford David Gates Tim Gautreaux Ron Hansen Amy Hempel Denis Johnson Edward P. Jones Margaret Atwood Thom Jones David Michael Kaplan Janet Kauffman Jamaica Kincaid David Leavitt Reginald McKnight Lorrie Moore Bharati Mukherjee Joyce Carol Oates Cade Bambara Tim O'Brien Cynthia Ozick Annie Proulx Mark Richard Lee Smith Susan Sontag Amy Tan Russell Banks John Barth Donald Barthelme Rick Bass Richard Bausch Melanie Rae Thon Stephanie Vaughn John Edgar Wideman Joy Williams Charles Baxter Junot Díaz Alice Munro Alice Walker 0 1 read3.5 2 readsCuloarea purpurie
Iulia Gorzo (Translator) Alice Walker 4.67 3 readsGathering Blossoms Under Fire: The Journals of Alice Walker, 1965–2000
0 0 reads0 0 readsWe Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness
0 0 reads5 1 readHäivähdys purppuraa
Alice Walker Kersti Juva (translator) 3.5 2 readsTaking the Arrow Out of the Heart
Alice Walker Manuel Garcia Verdecia (Translator) 0 0 reads3 1 readThe Third Life Of Grange Copeland
0 0 reads4 1 readAnything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism
0 0 reads3.5 2 readsLiving by the Word: Essays
0 0 readsThe Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction: 50 North American Short Stories Since 1970
0 0 readsWriters on Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times
0 0 readsSunrise to Sunset: An Anthology of Summer Reading
0 0 reads40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology
0 1 readWomen and Fiction: Stories By and About Women
0 0 readsI Love Myself When I Am Laughing... And Then Again When I Am Looking Mean and Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader
0 0 reads0 0 reads0 0 readsStop the next war now
Medea Benjamin Arundhati Roy 0 0 reads0 0 readsDreads
Francesco Mastalia Alfonse Pagano 0 1 readWhy War Is Never a Good Idea
0 0 readsWe Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America
0 0 readsThis Is Not a Border
This Is Not a Border: Reportage & Reflection from the Palestine Festival of Literature
J.M. Coetzee William Sutcliffe Michael Ondaatje Teju Cole Deborah Moggach China Miéville Jeremy Harding Henning Mankell Alice Walker Michael Palin 0 0 reads0 0 readsThe Way Forward is with a Broken Heart
0 0 readsMeridian
Meridian: With an introduction by Tayari Jones
3 1 readThe Chicken Chronicles: Sitting with the Angels Who Have Returned with My Memories: Glorious, Rufus, Gertrude Stein, Splendor, Hortensia, Agnes of God, The Gladyses, & Babe: A Memoir
4 1 readЦвет пурпурный
Alice Walker Элис Уокер Мария Завьялова (translator) 3 1 read4 1 readOvercoming Speechlessness: A Poet Encounters the Horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo, and Palestine/Israel
0 0 readsThe Cushion in the Road: Meditation and Wandering as the Whole World Awakens to Being in Harm's Way
0 0 readsLa terza vita di Grange Copeland
Alice Walker Andreina Lombardi Bom (Translator) 4 1 readThe Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult
0 0 reads5 1 readA Terceira Vida de Grange Copeland
Alice Walker Carolina Simmer (Translator) Marina Vargas (Translator) 3 1 read0 0 readsHard Times Require Furious Dancing: New Poems
0 0 readsBoja purpura
Branislava Radević Stojiljković (Translator) Alice Walker 0 0 readsThe Color Purple: Literature Study Guides
Christopher A. Hubert Alice Walker 0 1 read0 1 readThe Third Life Of Grange Copeland; Meridian; The Color Purple
2 1 readThe World Will Follow Joy: Turning Madness into Flowers
0 0 readsHorses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful
0 0 reads0 0 reads0 0 readsThe Color Purple Collection: The Color Purple, The Temple of My Familiar, and Possessing the Secret of Joy
0 0 readsLangston Hughes: American Poet
0 0 readsThe Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman: A Visionary for Our Time
Howard Thurman Vincent Harding Michael Bernard Beckwith Alice Walker 0 0 readsPurpurfargen
Alice Walker John Grande (Translator) 0 0 reads0 0 readsNow is the time to open your heart
0 0 readsA Poem Traveled Down My Arm: Poems and Drawings
0 0 readsAbsolute trust in the goodness of the earth
0 0 reads0 0 reads0 0 reads