Cover 4

101 Questions for Single People

101 Questions for Single People: Modern Dating Disasters


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101 Questions for Single People

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This book is what it says, i.e., questions that you can use as ice-breakers.

In general, the questions are not particularly profound, the reader could probably come up with them on their own. For example:

“For Everyone, not just the Singles

What is the best love song ever?

And what's the cheesiest, lamest, dumbest one?”

And this one:


It's your birthday. You only get one gift. It's a magical card. The card can be used just three times before vanishing forever.

Choose which card you want:

Get-Out-of-a-Lousy-Date-Free card

Avoid-a-Vicious-Argument-With-a-Lover card

Know-What-Someone-Else-is-Thinking card

Beer-Googles-Immunity-for-One-Night card

Mind-Blowing-Sex card

No-Weight-Gain-for-a-Month card”

The good thing about the book is that they are all collected here and could break the ice for some free-flowing discussions if you are still dating.

December 14, 2020