Average rating4
The first part of the book is mildly interesting. From when he dies through to the end of the adventure with the surveillance cameras it's pretty good, I liked it much more. But then the rest of the book was complete bullshit. This random guy tells the narrator to go to Tibet and walk a round a mountain, AND HE DOES IT! No reason given to him as to why he should go, no reason given to us as to why he decides to do it. The walking to the mountain, and around it, is super boring, even when the narrator joins up with some other people. Finally the Chinese military shows up and arrests everybody, which sounds interesting but quickly fizzles out into nothing. The narrator is put in one of the concentration camps, at some point moves to a different one, and eventually the book ends. THAT'S IT. All told in a boring, lifeless prose. One star extra given for the first half of the book, though it doesn't especially deserve it. I want my week of reading back.