1949 • 328 pages


Average rating4.2


What can I possibly say about this amazing novel, 1984 by George Orwell, that hasn't been already said by many who have read the book for over half a century. When it is said that the book is ‘haunting', ‘nightmarish', and ‘startling' any reader would have to agree! This well known novel grips the reader from the beginning and does not even let go of the grip at the finished reading and the ending what can I say “Winston's welcomed acceptance and outright love of his defeat is what is so sad. In the end, he utterly betrays himself and all his values – and is glad to do so. If he was just defeated, it would be merely tragic; the hero fallen. In mere defeat, there can at least be a kind of grace or honor of having fought the good fight. But his almost ecstatic joy at being finally and fully defeated makes it so much worse. There is no dignity, no hope, no self, no human being left. And, of course, that's the point.”
. A classic you won't want to miss if you haven't taken the time to read it yet.

July 15, 2021