2015 on Goodreads


Average rating4


Top 10 Reads of 20151) [b:Nemesis Games 22886612 Nemesis Games (Expanse, #5) James S.A. Corey https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407524221s/22886612.jpg 42456264] - 5 Stars - (My Review) *2) [b:Fool's Quest 23157777 Fool's Quest (The Fitz and The Fool, #2) Robin Hobb https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1420496252s/23157777.jpg 42704733] - 5 Stars - (My Review)3) [b:The Fifth Season 19161852 The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) N.K. Jemisin https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386803701s/19161852.jpg 26115977] - 5 Stars - (My Review)4) [b:The Price of Valor 23435269 The Price of Valor (The Shadow Campaigns, #3) Django Wexler https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1423008261s/23435269.jpg 42905071] - 5 Stars - (My Review)5) [b:The Aeronaut's Windlass 24876258 The Aeronaut's Windlass (The Cinder Spires, #1) Jim Butcher https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1425415066s/24876258.jpg 24239884] - 5 Stars - (My Review)6) [b:The Rebirths of Tao 20765775 The Rebirths of Tao (Tao, #3) Wesley Chu https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1425062273s/20765775.jpg 40099648] - 5 Stars - (My Review)7) [b:The Autumn Republic 20883847 The Autumn Republic (The Powder Mage, #3) Brian McClellan https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1393261950s/20883847.jpg 40224712] - 5 Stars - (My Review)8) [b:Rat Queens, Volume 2 23012877 Rat Queens, Vol. 2 The Far Reaching Tentacles of N'rygoth Kurtis J. Wiebe https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1431019204s/23012877.jpg 42579247] - 5 Stars - (My Review)9) [b:The Death of Dulgath 24683898 The Death of Dulgath (The Riyria Chronicles #3) Michael J. Sullivan https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1440823815s/24683898.jpg 44301324] - 4.5 Stars - (My Review)10) [b:Uprooted 22544764 Uprooted Naomi Novik https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1420795060s/22544764.jpg 41876730] - 4.5 Stars - (My Review) - This one was also added to my favorites shelf, which I'm even stingier with than my 5 star ratings (25/515 or roughly 5% are favorites, versus 8% (44 books) with 5 stars) .For the rest of my review here's the report generated by my GoodReads Parser Application and some general comments about the numbers. ^_^**** Yearly Report ****Year: 2015Total Books: 110Rereads: 5*** All Text **Number of Books: 49Total Pages: 15371Average Pages: 313.69*********** Text (Excluding Graphic Novels) ********Number of Books: 38Total Pages: 13740Average Pages: 361.58**** Audiobooks **Number of Books: 61Total Hours: 1281Average Hours: 21Overall my reading was down (both in terms of number of books and their total length) from the last 2 years, but still a pretty good year for me and far better than I was before I joined Goodreads.I did ~33% more books (61 vs 38) in audio than I did in text. I'm a pretty slow reader and in general I have a lot more time for audiobooks than I set aside for reading.*** Ratings **Average Rating: 3.78Total 2 Count: 5Total 3 Count: 24Total 4 Count: 71Total 5 Count: 10As far as book selection, I'm hovering just under a 4 star rating for the year, so I'm doing pretty well. Of the five 2 star rating books, 2 were book picks made by someone else (that I borrowed from the library), one was a free review copy, one was a daily deal, and the other was an audible credit. I think I spent a total of about $15 on all five, so not too much money wasted.For those of you doing the math (and know I'm stingy and never round up to 5 stars) and wondering why I have Ten 5 star books, and my top 10 contains only 8, the other 2 came from rereads. Sadly for books 9 & 10, Goodreads doesn't allow for half stars.**** Genre Breakdown ****Total MYSTERY Count: 4Total HORROR Count: 1Total SCIFI Count: 35Total HISTORICAL Count: 4Total STEAMPUNK Count: 2Total NONFICTION Count: 4Total FANTASY Count: 60As usual, I read far too much fantasy. 60/110 (~55%) of my books were fantasy. Not that I didn't enjoy most of it (8 of my top 10 were fantasy), but I'd like to diversify in 2016 a bit more. Throw in the Science Fiction and Steampunk (is that fantasy? sci-fi? both?) books and 97/110 (~88%) reads were SFF.******* Format Breakdown *******Total EBOOK Count: 19Total GRAPHIC_NOVEL Count: 11Total AUDIO_BOOK Count: 61Total BOOK Count: 19I'm reading more ebooks than I have in the past. Even split this year. Those Kindle daily deals are just so hard to pass up. Many of the physical books I read came from the library too. I know a lot of people love ebooks, but I hope to never go 100% digital.Overall, a pretty good year for me. Hopefully 2016 will be too.

January 1, 2016