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2016 on Goodreads



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It was a struggle to get in a mere 35 books this year, mostly in a peri-election slump. I actually did a good job reviewing and adding books this year, keeping pace through August (usually I only keep pace through March or so) and actually reviewing them. And I read at a good clip, up until October, when I read barely anything. Nonetheless, books of the year:Best Book of the Year/Best Non-Fiction[b:The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code 16240783 The Riddle of the Labyrinth The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code Margalit Fox 24585584] (Margalit Fox) – Like all good amateur cryptographers, I know the story of Linear B backwards and forwards, but Fox tells it with such beauty and power that it was like I was hearing it for the first time. The idea of being able to figure out what ancient people were writing about with no parallel language source (such as the Rosetta Stone) borders on magical. Fox's tale of the linguists who did add a nice & feminist touch to the story as well.Best FictionTie: [b:The Trespasser 29430013 The Trespasser (Dublin Murder Squad, #6) Tana French 48321130] (Tana French) – At some point in time, I became obsessed with Tana French, and honestly, her work has just kept getting better. The Trespasser changed my worldview with its deep exploration of imposter syndrome and negative self-narratives. It deserves a place next to French's other Greats, like the Likeness and the Secret Place.[b:The Martian 18007564 The Martian Andy Weir 21825181] (Andy Weir) – who thought a book about a solitary potato farmer could be quite so charming? I loved the ingenuity of the book. I also really liked the team of humans v. environment conflict as a nice reprieve from interpersonal conflict. Also goods![b:The Goblin Emperor 17910048 The Goblin Emperor Katherine Addison 24241248][b:The Girl with All the Gifts 17235026 The Girl with All the Gifts M.R. Carey 23753235][b:T. Rex and the Crater of Doom 83971 T. Rex and the Crater of Doom Walter Alvarez 81068][b:Jackalope Wives 20527580 Jackalope Wives Ursula Vernon 37333063][b:100 Sideways Miles 20493997 100 Sideways Miles Andrew Smith 16818609]Worst Book of the Year[b:A Guide for the Perplexed 17573649 A Guide for the Perplexed Dara Horn 24513718] – Yup, a book I got for free was the worst book of the year. And it's not for lack of competition, either, this book was just pure awful. It's basically pandering to the audience who reads Books For Jews! Look, it's about Jews! The main character's name is Ashkenazi, so you know she's Jewish. Read it if you're Jewish (only don't, because it's a really boring retelling of the Joseph/Judah story, with Josephine and Judith standing in for Joseph and Judah.)More CommentsMan, I special ordered/bought new/borrowed new a ton of books this year, anticipating new works from much loved authors. This doesn't usually work out well in my life, I'm finding (Tana French being a notable exception.) I read very little nonfiction this year, starting strong, but then trailing off. I partially read at least three nonfiction books that I subsequently misplaced. I think I'm just a slower nonfiction reader and the barrier for me finishing books is remembering where I put them. Maybe I should work on that.I seem to be reading a lot more genre fiction again, after a long period of lit fic. I think I'm over the beautiful prose/speaks to the human condition/while nothing happens for a bit. Genre fiction, I missed you. Friends, I've been out of touch – what's good?Most Anticipated Books Planned for 2017[b:The Lie Tree 23592175 The Lie Tree Frances Hardinge 43194799] – I have heard so many good things about this gothic/feminist/fantasy/science-y/mystery novel that it's hard to believe it's all contained in one book.[b:Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals about the Mind 1371694 Talking Hands What Sign Language Reveals about the Mind Margalit Fox 1361555] – Perhaps I have already forgotten 2016's lesson to not be overeager for additional books by loved authors, but I need to read everything Margalit Fox has ever written and this book about a sign language that evolves in a Bedouin community with endemic deafness sounds amazing.