2018 on Goodreads


Average rating3.4


Top 10 Reads of 20181) [b:Red Sister 25895524 Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor #1) Mark Lawrence https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1481038440s/25895524.jpg 45777900] - 5 Stars - (My Review)2) [b:Wrath of Empire 28811018 Wrath of Empire (Gods of Blood and Powder, #2) Brian McClellan https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1507140487s/28811018.jpg 49026466] - 5 Stars - (My Review)3) [b:The Infernal Battalion 25845205 The Infernal Battalion (The Shadow Campaigns, #5) Django Wexler https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1498788742s/25845205.jpg 45746689] - 5 Stars - (My Review)4) [b:Age of War 18052169 Age of War (The Legends of the First Empire, #3) Michael J. Sullivan https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1516720471s/18052169.jpg 25336191]- 5 Stars - (My Review)5) [b:Blackflame 35023786 Blackflame (Cradle, #3) Will Wight https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1493626673s/35023786.jpg 56310116] - 5 Stars - (My Review)6) [b:Skyward 36642458 Skyward (Skyward, #1) Brandon Sanderson https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1531845177s/36642458.jpg 58411143]- 4.5 Stars - (My Review)7) [b:The Calculating Stars 33080122 The Calculating Stars (Lady Astronaut, #1) Mary Robinette Kowal https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1539850192s/33080122.jpg 53735352] - 4 Stars - (My Review)8) [b:Jade City 34606064 Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) Fonda Lee https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1513357590s/34606064.jpg 55755047] - 4 Stars - (My Review)9) [b:The Consuming Fire 34942741 The Consuming Fire (The Interdependency, #2) John Scalzi https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1518468399s/34942741.jpg 56211540] - 4 Stars - (My Review)10) [b:The Core 16096968 The Core (The Demon Cycle, #5) Peter V. Brett https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1487946539s/16096968.jpg 21905325] - 4 Stars - (My Review)For the rest of my review here's the report generated by my GoodReads Parser Application and some general comments about the numbers. ^_^***** Yearly Report ****Year: 2018Total Books: 101Rereads: 8My reading is up for the first time in several years, at least in terms of total books. I did slightly more rereading this year than last, but I've kept it below my goal of 10 or less so as to focus on new stuff. ****** Format Breakdown ******Total AUDIO_BOOK Count: 61 (60.40%)Total BOOK Count: 7 (6.93%)Total EBOOK Count: 14 (13.86%)Total GRAPHIC_NOVEL Count: 19 (18.81%)Part of total increase appears to be a huge spike in Graphic Novels this year. I nearly doubled the number I read in 2017, accounting for a 5% increase of my total consumption. That 5% drop seems to have come off of my audio books, despite their total also being up this year. The number of physical books read continues to decline while ebooks consumption doubled.******* Genre Breakdown ******Total FANTASY Count: 57 (56.44%)Total HISTORICAL Count: 2 (1.98%)Total HORROR Count: 2 (1.98%)Total HUMOR Count: 1 (0.99%)Total NONFICTION Count: 6 (5.94%)Total SCIFI Count: 31 (30.69%)Total THRILLER Count: 2 (1.98%)Hey look I read a lot of fantasy and a fair bit of Sci-Fi. I kept that line from my 2017 review, because it continues to be very true every year. Despite reading 10 more fantasy books in 2018 than 2017, my percentage dropped slightly. Sci-fi consumption was also slightly down (in terms of percentage). So instead of last year's 90%, I'm down to a much more reasonable 87%!The biggest deltas this year seems to be in terms of nonfiction and some horror. The latter is something I don't typically read unless it's basically dark fantasy.******** Author Gender Breakdown ********Total MALE Count: 74 (73.27%)Total FEMALE Count: 26 (25.74%)My ratio is about 2% better than last year, but still pretty unbalanced. I'm not necessarily looking for a 50% balance, but it'd be nice to get it closer. I added a few more new female authors to my list whose books I'll be picking up just as soon as they are published.** Ratings ****Average Rating: 3.83Total 1 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2 Count: 3 (2.97%)Total 3 Count: 16 (15.84%)Total 4 Count: 73 (72.28%)Total 5 Count: 8 (7.92%)As far as book selection, my average is up a bit this year again. It's once again hovering just under a 4 star rating for the year, so I'm doing pretty well. Of the 4 1&2 star rating books, three were book picks made by someone else. This is my first ever 1-star rating since joining Goodreads over 6 years ago. I'm even more stubborn about 1 star ratings than I am about 5 stars. I usually find some aspect of every book I like, but [b:Night's Master 882258 Night's Master (Tales from the Flat Earth #1) Tanith Lee https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1230090855s/882258.jpg 457123] was a total miss.I had 2 more new 5 star books this year than last year. Of the eight books I gave 5 stars to, three of them were rereads. The percentage of 4 star books was also up this year. So I continue to doing a good job with my book selections overall.Years Published:Total 1818 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1940 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1962 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1975 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1978 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1985 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1986 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1987 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1989 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1991 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 1996 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1997 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1998 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1999 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2000 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2001 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2002 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2003 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 2004 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 2005 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2007 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2010 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 2011 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 2012 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 2013 Count: 5 (4.95%)Total 2014 Count: 4 (3.96%)Total 2015 Count: 5 (4.95%)Total 2016 Count: 13 (12.87%)Total 2017 Count: 15 (14.85%)Total 2018 Count: 30 (29.70%)Decade Published:Total 1810 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1940 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1960 Count: 1 (0.99%)Total 1970 Count: 2 (1.98%)Total 1980 Count: 4 (3.96%)Total 1990 Count: 6 (5.94%)Total 2000 Count: 9 (8.91%)Total 2010 Count: 77 (76.24%)Most of my reading continues to come from books published since 2010, and a good number (30) of my total were published in 2018. Only about 5% of the books I read were published before I was born.Additional Stats:Number of Books: 40Total Pages: 9561Longest Book: [b:Jade City 34606064 Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) Fonda Lee https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1513357590s/34606064.jpg 55755047] - 600 pagesShortest Book: [b:Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus 18488 Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388194510s/18488.jpg 4836639] - 151 pagesAverage Pages: 239.03Number of Books (Excluding Graphic Novels): 21Total Pages (Excluding Graphic Novels): 6653Average Pages (Excluding Graphic Novels): 316.81Number of Audiobooks: 61Total Audio Hours: 990Longest Book: [b:Shōgun 402093 Shōgun (Asian Saga, #1) James Clavell https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1397228842s/402093.jpg 1755568] - 54 hoursShortest Book: [b:All Systems Red 32758901 All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1) Martha Wells https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1484171189s/32758901.jpg 53349516] - 4 hoursAverage Hours: 16.23Another good year for me, and better than I remember since most of my 5 star ratings occurred earlier on in the year. Here's to hoping for a great year of reading in 2019!

December 19, 2018