Cover 7

2020 on Goodreads



Average rating4


Top Reads of 2020These are my top reads from 20201) [b:Battle Ground 23106013 Battle Ground (The Dresden Files, #17) Jim Butcher 42654036] - 5 Stars - (My Review)2) [b:Peace Talks 49381341 Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16) Jim Butcher 40515430] - 5 Stars - (My Review)3) [b:The Relentless Moon 52381417 The Relentless Moon (Lady Astronaut #3) Mary Robinette Kowal 65396089] - 4.5 Stars - (My Review)4) [b:Wintersteel 55423083 Wintersteel (Cradle, #8) Will Wight 73600841] - 4.5 Stars - (My Review)5) [b:Rhythm of War 49021976 Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive, #4) Brandon Sanderson 23840265] - 4 Stars - (My Review)6) [b:Network Effect 52381770 Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries, #5) Martha Wells 63614271] - 4 Stars - (My Review)For the rest of my review here's the report generated by my GoodReads Parser Application and some general comments about the numbers. ^_^***** Yearly Report ****Year: 2020Total Books: 50Total Backlog Books: 12 (24.00%)Rereads: 0 (0.00%)2020 was a bad year of reading for me. While others seemed to use the time stuck at home to work off their backlogs, I just couldn't concentrate. Worse, I've long been trending towards more audiobooks and since I was commuting less and not traveling most of the year, that really reduced my audio too. I went from 46 to 35 (previous years I'd average 50-60) and my total hours listened dropped by 120. I did listen to some monster long audiobooks while stuck in the house in spring though.I had originally dropped my annual goal of 75 to 50 expecting to finish well over, but likely short of the 75 mark. Instead I barely cleared the 50 (with 1 day to spare).For 2021 I'll be setting my goals even lower. I did work of a decent chunk of my owned-and-unread backlog (percentage-wise) but not nearly as much as last year.This is also the first year since I started tracking my reading where I did 0 rereads. I guess with so many fewer books I just didn't have the time.Overall a bad year for me, but still a pretty decent year to the average person.****** Format Breakdown ******Total AUDIO_BOOK Count: 35 (70.00%)Total BOOK Count: 4 (8.00%)Total EBOOK Count: 5 (10.00%)Total GRAPHIC_NOVEL Count: 6 (12.00%)Unsurprisingly since I had so much trouble reading with my eyeballs this year, my percent of audiobook is up about 9% from 2019. I also read far fewer graphic novels (both total and percentage-wise) this year.******* Genre Breakdown ******Total FANTASY Count: 23 (46.00%)Total MYSTERY Count: 4 (8.00%)Total NONFICTION Count: 2 (4.00%)Total SCIFI Count: 21 (42.00%)Hey look I read a lot of fantasy and a fair bit of Sci-Fi. I kept that line from my previous reviews, because it continues to be very true every year. My percent of Fantasy is actually down quite a bit, but that's basically because I read more Sci-Fi than normal. My Mystery reading was up slightly but my non-fiction was down.******** Author Gender Breakdown ********Total MALE Count: 38 (76.00%)Total FEMALE Count: 11 (22.00%)My ratio is about 3% worse than last year, and still pretty unbalanced. I'm still not necessarily looking for a 50% balance, but it'd be nice to get it closer. It seems to keep hovering in the 20-25% range.** Ratings ****Average Rating: 3.74Total 3 Count: 15 (30.00%)Total 4 Count: 33 (66.00%)Total 5 Count: 2 (4.00%)My average rating down slightly from a 3.8 in 2019. 2020 was the year I decided I'm no longer go to keep reading books I'm not interested in. I DNF at least 1 book and skipped several picks that just sounded too depressing to read in 2020.My 3 star read count is a bit higher this year (percentage-wise) and my 4 and 5 star read percents are also down which explains the drop in average. However the average doesn't take into account half stars, since Goodreads only tracks full stars.Years Published:Total 1990 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 1995 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2004 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2005 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2006 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2007 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2011 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2012 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2013 Count: 2 (4.00%)Total 2015 Count: 3 (6.00%)Total 2016 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2017 Count: 2 (4.00%)Total 2018 Count: 1 (2.00%)Total 2019 Count: 13 (26.00%)Total 2020 Count: 20 (40.00%)Decade Published:Total 1990 Count: 2 (4.00%)Total 2000 Count: 4 (8.00%)Total 2010 Count: 24 (48.00%)Total 2020 Count: 20 (40.00%)Most of my reading continues to come from books published since 2015, and a good number (20) of my total were published in 2020. The oldest book I read was from 1990.Additional Stats:Number of Books: 15Total Pages: 4805Total From Backlog: 0Longest Book: Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive, #4) by Brandon Sanderson - 1232 pagesShortest Book: The Butcher of Anderson Station (The Expanse, #1.5) by James S.A. Corey - 40 pagesAverage Pages: 320.33Number of Books (Excluding Graphic Novels): 9Total Pages (Excluding Graphic Novels): 3886Average Pages (Excluding Graphic Novels): 431.78Number of Audiobooks: 35Total Audio Hours: 531Total From Backlog: 12Longest Book: Super Powereds: Year 4 (Super Powereds, #4) by Drew Hayes - 61 hoursShortest Book: Auberon: An Expanse Novella by James S.A. Corey - 3 hoursAverage Hours: 15.17Overall it was my worst year of reading since I first started tracking on Goodreads in 2012 (which was only a partial year). There were still some good reads in there and I still enjoy it, but I've decided to cut back even further so reading doesn't feel like something I'm obligated to do, but just the fun hobby it's always been thus far.Hopefully my 2021 will be nothing but 4 and 5 star reads.

December 27, 2020