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12 January 2021: New year's resolutions
1. Continuing with what I started last year: I decided that I am allowed to buy a new book after I finished reading at least two books, in order to decrease my quite abundant paper tbr-pile (currently standing at 115 books). It worked so far, it just takes long.
2. Concluding the series that I have started and not yet finished, giving priority to books that I own in paper format:
- Midnight Breed
- Demonica Update: 01/12/2021
- Parasol Protectorate Update: 11/03/2021
- Fever Update: 25/07/2021
- Night huntress
- Kate Daniels
- Legion
- Dresden Files
- Farseer trilogy
- Vampire Empire
- Throne of glass
- The falconer
- Legends of the first empire
- Lotus war
- Mistborn era 2
- All souls trilogy
- Heartstrikers
- Stormlight Archive Update 27/07/2021
- Iron Fey
- Legend of Drizzt
I am curious to see my progress on the second point throughout the year. It is unrealistic that I will complete all the listed series, but I would be glad if I will conclude at least three of them. Also, I am a person who needs to change after sticking to the same world (aka, series) for some time.

December 31, 2021