Average rating4
At first I didn't really expect much, I didn't even remember I had this on my pc, but as I started reading I got completely caught in.
The way this is written is completely new to me, and refreshing at the same time. And although I was pretty sure I would get to hate some of the characters, main ones even, I didn't. I like a lot how each point of view is written clearly; I even enjoyed the timeline jumps and I actually liked reading something and then getting a more complex description of the situation.
Another thing I liked a lot is that although I was pretty sure where this was going, I still had doubts, at times this book kept me on edge and that made it so much more entertaining.
I see why and how not everyone could get to like 3, but for me it was really refreshing and interesting. I think I might even look into more works of Mr. Flores.
All in all, good read, highly entertaining.