4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

2017 • 995 pages


Average rating4.3


This book is 100% not a novel I'd normally pick up - but my “read the lit prize shortlist” challenge brought it to my attention, and this type of novel is absolutely why I'm expanding my reading horizons with that challenge.

A 800+ page novel, written by a dude, about another dude? Pass. Not my wheelhouse, not my interest list, not for me. And yet. Somehow, I am completely and utterly in love with this behemoth of a story about the four lives of Archie Ferguson.

I think tackling this on audiobook was the way to go - I'm sure I would have bailed trying to get through the print version. But somehow, against the odds, I found myself sucked in to Archie's world - Archie's FOUR worlds, to be exact, and the tiny decisions that completely altered the trajectory of his lives.

AND - let's be honest - Rose Ferguson and Amy Schneiderman are a couple of FAN-freaking-TASTIC female characters. Good job, Auster, for giving readers these two complex and important women to impact Archie's life.

I am 100% sure this book is not for everyone - but good gracious, am I glad I gave it a chance.

December 10, 2017