A Bear Far from Home

A Bear Far from Home


Gorgeous illustrations! The kind I would want to read again to admire it. The story is straightforward, touching on a historical fact that animals were often taken from their homes and given to rulers.

For some reason, the text on my ebook version (borrowed from Overdrive) was totally off in the formatting. The words were all stuck together with no spacing, which is a huge bummer and prevented me from reading it with ease.

My Rating System:
5⭐️: Excellent book AND influenced a change in my views
4.5⭐️: Excellent read
4⭐️: Great read, will recommend ⬅️⬅️⬅️
3.5⭐️: Enjoyable read but missing something that will make it great
3⭐️: An okay read that I didn't regret spending time on it
2⭐️: Didn't enjoy
1⭐️: Wouldn't have read it

November 17, 2022