A Bug on the Internet
A Bug on the Internet
How to Succeed in the World After Turning into a Giant Bug
“One morning I woke up and felt something was amiss.” That's the opening line from [b:A Bug on the Internet: How to Succeed in the World After Turning into a Giant Bug 75018258 A Bug on the Internet How to Succeed in the World After Turning into a Giant Bug (Bugiverse Book 1) Yulin Wu https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1671754009l/75018258.SY75.jpg 100401084] by [a:Yulin Wu 2797430 Yulin Wu https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png], It only gets better from there.How would you react if you woke up and found you'd been transformed into a human-sized beetle? I liked Gregory's reaction. “In a panic, I ran in circles on the ceiling for the next three minutes. . .” But Gregory, aka The Bug Guy, is nothing if not resourceful. He's a dedicated employee (going to work the same day he turns into a bug) and applying all the rich philosophy he's learned through reading self-help books. So with a little positive thinking and ramped up confidence, he proceeds into a world that doesn't want him. . . until it does. Whether it's Gregory drunk-bug video going viral on social media or his unfortunate comment about Domino's pizza, he's soon an antennae-waving, tuxedo-wearing superstar with a taste for well-rotted garbage. I never could have imagined how one might deal with this unlikely transformation, but it's all laid out in a deliciously dry humor in this book. Each page contains another gem that pokes fun at our modern existence. Would HR really give diversity training to teach other employees to be sensitive to Gregory's needs (while giving him an office in the basement?) It's a brisk fun read that had me laughing all the way through as well making me ponder the metaphysical side of our current culture. Grab this book if you have a chance. It's a hoot!