Average rating3.7
I have some negative opinions about this book. So if this is your favorite book I'm sorry but its my opinion. And if you're going to get butt hurt please don't read it.
This review does contain spoilers!!!
Well... where do I start?
I didn't like ACOTAR... I have my reasons why I didn't, but that doesn't mean I hated it. I really like the way Sarah J Maas built this world. I really enjoyed reading about this world. But that is basically all I liked about this book. I as an intellectual cant get past the fact that there is a lot of problematic things about this book. It romanticizes physical and mental abuse.
Lets talk about the characters in depth
This girl is so hardheaded and so frustrating uggghhhhh I'm getting so mad just thinking about it.
Let me give you some examples:
-She is constantly being told not to do certain things but no its like to her “Don't do this, Its dangerous” means “Yes go ahead, you're not risking your life at all”.
-She fell in love with the guy who took her away from her family to get a curse broken, lied to her about the treaty, and ABUSED HER.
-Yes everyone Tamlin kissing her neck and trapping her when she said no! MORE THAN ONCE! is abuse. I don't care if Feyre was confused, he was not himself or whatever. Her initial reaction to him grabbing her on the day of the Calanmai was “let me go”. (I will talk more about this when I talk about Tamlin)
I get that she doesn't know how to read and isn't very smart but why is she so boring? Like really all she does is Hunt and Paint.... the only characteristic i can think of to describe her is that shes hardheaded, that's it.
Oh boy... I personally didn't like Tamlin since the beginning. I don't get how people liked him at first when he is SO PROBLEMATIC
One word... Calanmai...
He abused Fey, i explained this.. yes but after he did she had to slap him for him to let her go. And you know what he did when she tried to defend herself............ HE CHUCKLED... I'm done..
After Calanmai when they were eating and everything is all gucci and back to normal. Feyre said to Lucien “He bit me” and do y'all know what this tricka said “So if feyre cant be bothered to listen to orders I CANT HE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES” WHAT THE HECK!!!! HE abused her after SHE said NO more than once. And he blames her... This is why most women that get r*ped and abused are afraid to say anything because things like this. People always blame the victim...
I just don't like him... end of story.
A precious smol bean that deserved better 😦
And then we have the infamous Rhysand....
I went into this book expecting to love this character. I mean with all the damn hype I don't know who wouldn't. But now that I finished the book I can tell y'all that I don't like him at all. He's too arrogant and just like Tamlin he abused Feyre. NOT just mentally, oh no.. HE PHYSICALLY ABUSED HER TOO...
In Under the Mountain after the first challange he makes an offer to Fey that in exchange of him healing her she would have to come live with him for two weeks. She deny's at first and instead of walking away and taking the no. YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES... HE TWISTS HER ALREADY BROKEN BONE AND TWISTS IT.... I just don't get how after the second book and a couple of apologies can he be let off the hook and forgiven for this.
Lets not forget that he drugs her multiple times..
I don't know I'm done with him, I'm done with this. bye
It baffles me how people can like him so much. I understand that he gets better in the next book. BUT IT STILL DOES NOT JUSTIFY WHAT HE DID!!!
I'm just going to end with this.
If you stand for women rights and are against men abusing women. Then why do you love Rhysand so much? all he is, is an arrogant abuser that got away with abuse and drugging a woman. And before anyone tries to come at me saying that “its just a book” or “its fiction, it's not real” It doesn't matter, books, movies, songs, TV shows they usually inspire people in all kinds of ways. Some good and some bad. Someone can read this series and see how easily TWO men got away with abuse and think that they can do the same. And most of the times they do get away with it. Fictional or not, abuse is abuse.
Abuse shouldn't be romanticized.
Ps: Why does everyone click their tongue so much? It was so annoying!