A Favorable Impression

A Favorable Impression


Average rating3


Review also posted on my blog


A Pride and prejudice variation which starts from a meeting at Pemberley.
Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, on holiday with their Uncle and Aunt Gardiner.

While touring Pemberley, a chance meeting with the owner, Mr Darcy leads to an invitation to stay for a house party.

Jane is reunited with Mr Bingley, their amiable neighbour from Hertfordshire.
While Elizabeth makes a favourable impression on Mr Darcy.

Darcy follows Elizabeth to Hertfordshire, his heart very soon engaged.

Unfortunately, meeting the Bennet family is less than pleasant for the fastidious Darcy.

Darcy struggles between his feelings for Elizabeth and his revulsion for her family's behaviour.

Sadly, Darcy gives Elizabeth the classic “Hunsford” proposal. Elizabeth is humiliated and feels she must refuse, despite being in love with the man, she thought she knew.

Time passes and Elizabeth finds herself in London for the Season. (Mrs Bennet finally persuaded her husband to agree to a Season for all her girls).

Being thrown into company with Darcy again is a challenge.
Can they overcame their differences? Only time will tell.

Quite an enjoyable variation.

I received a free copy of this book via StoryOrigin and am voluntarily leaving a review. All views expressed are my own.

April 12, 2023Report this review