The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
After reading the MLK assassination book, it felt only right to read about the RFK assassination.
When discussing the political assassinations of the 1960's, it's often said that the RFK one was “an open and shut case.” However, if you were to review the recordings and transcripts of witness interviews, autopsy report, chain of custody for evidence, and the criminal case information for the indicted shooter, Sirhan Sirhan, then you would realize that it is extremely far from “open and shut.” The evidence for conspiracy is astounding. You don't need to go far afield to find it.
I said in my MLK book review that the evidence of conspiracy and cover up in that case dwarfed that of the JFK assassination and that no logical person could look at all the evidence and conclude that the official story from the police and FBI could possibly be credible. What I didn't mention is that most of the evidence pointing to that was from eyewitness testimony, and that there was few (yet still quite compelling) bits of physical evidence.
Comparably, the RFK assassination has exceptionally more physical evidence pointing to the fact that the accused shooter did not fire the lethal shots to Kennedy, if he actually fired any bullets at all. Marrying that to an equal, or possibly even larger, trove of eyewitness testimony, and the mountain of evidence pointing to conspiracy actually DWARFS the MLK assassination! This author meticulously lays out every bit of evidence publicly available, cross-referencing it with new testimony of witnesses, providing her own interviews with witnesses, and other key facts in the development of the story. All laid out, it is clear to anyone with an open enough mind to admit that maybe the government might lie to its people sometimes, that there were more than 1 gunmen that night, and more than 1 guns firing at Kennedy.
Here's a brief summary of how the official narrative does not make sense:
* The Gun Sirhan used held 8 rounds. Eight rounds. Therefore the “official narrative” is that 8 shots were fired.
* Multiple witnesses heard more than 8 shots.
* Multiple witnesses saw more than 1 gunman.
* An audio recording of the entire incident heard more than 8 shots.
* A witness got powder burns on his face in a way that does not make sense with Sirhan being the lone shooter.
* None of the bullet wound trajectories in Kennedy make sense based on the “official narrative”.
* Multiple bullet holes were identified around the scene in the door frame and ceiling. All of the physical evidence was inexplicably destroyed
* Police altered reports from eyewitnesses who said they heard more than 8 shots.
* Witnesses heard, saw, and felt shots coming from other places than where Sirhan was openly firing from.
* Multiple witnesses saw a gunman shooting from atop a table, a location impossible for Sirhan to have been on given what happened during his apprehension.
* Multiple witnesses saw multiple gunmen running from the scene with unconcealed or poorly concealed guns
* “Based on the totality of the evidence, it appears two bullets, not one, entered Kennedy's brain from the same near-contact entry point. Bang-bang.” It is not physically possible for those shots to have been fired by Sirhan.
A dozen or more witnesses provided very specific testimony of certain individuals walking with and talking with Sirhan. They all describe the same 1-3 people. Several witnesses saw one of these people, a woman in a white dress with black polka dots run out shortly after the shooting saying “we shot him! Senator Kennedy!” These witnesses were psychologically tortured by the FBI into recanting their statements because they didn't coincide with “the official narrative.” The audio transcripts of their interrogations are deeply disturbing and show that the police have no interest in the truth, merely to maintain the official facade. All it takes is a reading of, or listening to, these transcripts and it won't take an ounce of logical leaping to believe that the police have something to hide with this case.
Many of the witness interviews were intentionally not transcribed in order to obfuscate the evidence from the public. Every single one of the interviews not transcribed (written on the envelope with the tapes “do not type”) contain a witness giving a statement that lends credence to a conspiracy.
There has been zero physical evidence tying the rounds exhumed from the victims and the scene to the gun taken from the possession of Sirhan. Rounds fired from a gun leave what's called “rifling”, like a finger print that is slightly different for each gun and always on fired bullets. None match Sirhan's gun. None matched from the rifling range Sirhan was seen shooting at in the weeks prior.
The chain of evidence for the bullets were so incredibly lousy that there is clearly evidence of tampering from LA police and/or the FBI. The bullets from the Kennedy Autopsy were marked by the surgeon. The bullets currently in evidence do not match what the surgeon extracted.
There is substantial evidence that more bullets were fired than what Sirhan's gun was capable of holding. Bullets were dug out of door frames and likely thrown into Sirhan's car. Bullet holes were in the ceiling.
“We've been over the kitchen area twice, and we're going at least one more time. It's unbelievable how many damn holes there are in that kitchen ceiling.” The door frames and kitchen tiles were removed for evidence. They have since been destroyed. There is indisputable physical evidence, photographs, interviews, official statements, pointing to the fact that more than 8 shots were fired. Defenders of the official narrative come up with all sorts of cockamamie explanations as to “which of these 3+ locations could the 8th bullet have gone? There's so much compelling evidence for each of them!” It is more fantastical, more supernatural, more irrational to assert that only 8 bullets were shot than to say there were more than 8.
The killing shot(s) to Kennedy were fired at the back of his head from less than an inch away from him. We know this because the gunpowder fired at that close a range gets embedded into the skin, resulting in tattooing. This was seen on Kennedy. Not one single witness claims Sirhan was ever less than 1 foot away from Kennedy. It is not physically possible for the markings found on Kennedy to have been shot by Sirhan. It is simply physically impossible for the “official story” to be true. It's really that simple.
Sirhan was holding a .22 caliber revolver. .22 rounds, as the name implies, have a diameter of 0.22 inches. Here is an exact quote from the X-Ray autopsy: “The largest metallic fragment is situated in the petrous ridge and at about the arcuate eminence. This measures 12 mm in transverse dimension, 7 mm in vertical dimension, and approximately 12 mm in anteroposterior dimension.” 12mm x 7mm x 12mm = 0.47”x0.28”x0.47”. The bullet inside Kennedy is the wrong caliber to fit Sirhan's gun.
“High school student Scott Enyart had been standing on a table in the pantry, waiting for Kennedy so he could take his picture, when the shooting began. He took pictures ‘while the shots were being fired' or ‘maybe a little afterward,' he wasn't sure. He jumped up on one of the steam tables so he had a good view of the room. Enyart mentioned his friend Brent Gold was there with him, taking pictures as well. [...] Forty years later, Enyart would win a lawsuit against the LAPD over this film...”
“These photos were purportedly stolen from a courier's car at a gas stop on the way between the California State Archives in Sacramento to the courthouse where Enyart's case was in session in Los Angeles. Given that nothing else from the car was stolen, we have to ask who wanted to keep Enyart from receiving these photos, and what the photos may have shown that was worth pilfering in an elaborate operation.
It wouldn't be the first time evidence was sabotaged. Less than two months after the assassination, the LAPD took the extraordinary step of burning some 2,400 photos from the case in Los Angeles County General's medical-waste incinerator. Why destroy thousands of photos in an incinerator if there was nothing to hide? The LAPD kept hundreds of innocuous crowd scene photos that showed no girl in a polka dot dress and no suspicious activities or individuals. Why were those photos preserved? Perhaps because those photos had nothing in them that warranted their destruction?” HUH. THAT'S WEIRD. DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S WEIRD? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? SURELY THERE'S NOTHING SUSPICIOUS HERE. DON'T WORRY FOLKS WE GOT THE GUY. NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
One of the officers pivotal to the prosecution of Sirhan was LAPD criminalist and member of the LAPD crime lab, Officer DeWayne Wolfer. He spearheaded the investigation for LAPD, his team gathered evidence, he fired test bullets in order to determine if the rifling from Sirhan's gun matched the bullets being presented to the jury as those recovered from the scene. He was the key to the whole investigation. Surely he's a straight shooter, right? No. The LAPD has been corrupt for decades. He and the LAPD were SO corrupt that the California Court of Appeals “railed against Wolfer's actions and testimony in [a separate shooting case with similar ballistic evidence], stating he had ‘negligently presented false demonstrative evidence in support of his ballistics testimony,' that ‘Wolfer's acoustical testimony was false,' and that ‘his testimony on qualifications as an expert on anatomy was also false and borders on the perjurious.' In other words, the Court of Appeals stopped just short of calling Wolfer a liar.” Key ballistics expert for the RFK assassination is a known liar who manufactured false evidence and gave false testimony. HUH. WEIRD. SURELY JUST THE ONE TIME, RIGHT?
6 separate suspects were wanted for questioning that night. Several were even brought into custody.
Everyone who mentioned a separate suspect mysteriously had their police radio communications go silent shortly afterward and the story changed.
Michael Wayne was arrested for running away from the shooting. His story didn't hold up compared to witnesses' testimony. Many people pin him with a gun as he was running from the shooting. He was taken into custody by a security guard because people were shooting “stop that man”. He lied to the FBI about what happened, a federal crime, but no consequences for that for some strange reason. WEIRD.
There is so much more to this book that I have failed to cover. I didn't even talk about the farce of a trial, Sirhan's defense attorneys were very clearly not interested in providing a legitimate defense and conspired with the prosecutor and judge.
Large swaths of testimony and reporting is still classified. Because in this fake country, we the peons cannot know what the government doesn't want us to know. There was no “Warren Commission” for RFK. There's been no significant effort to release classified documents related to his assassination.
The people who helped cover up the conspiracy got promoted. The people who asked questions or threatened to “official narrative” got harassed, blacklisted, or disappeared. Hell, the person who denied Sirhan's parole a few years ago became the present sitting Vice President of the US.
No rational person can review the evidence and assert in good faith that the official narrative is credible. I implore anyone who has an iota of skepticism for the federal government to read this book and research the matter yourself.
I recommend this book to everyone.