Average rating4.4
4.5 rounded to 5
I need to say it I need Ove's bloody luck that guy was saved from killing himself too many times hahahaha
This book was so simple and at the same so beautiful and heartwarming it was totally worth it my time it was lovely it was really easy to read and at the same a message so important
The characters were amazing all of them have their places and little when more characters start to appear Ove's personality start to soften up a little bit like all of them start tearing apart his hard mask
Finally the ending it was pretty good it wasn't like totally sad but it was touching after watching Ove's growth in all the book the ending hit a little bit
With all this aspects together I think the book was really well done in this genre I could say one of my favorites
Favorite phrase
“And time is a curious thing. Most of us only live for the time that lies right ahead of us. A few days, weeks, years. One of the most painful moments in a person's life probably comes with the insight that an age has been reached when there is more to look back on than ahead. And when time no longer lies ahead of one, other things have to be lived for. Memories, perhaps. Afternoons in the sun with someone's hand clutched in one's own. The fragrance of flowerbeds in fresh bloom. Sundays in a café. Grandchildren, perhaps. One finds a way of living for the sake of someone else's future.”