A Mango-Shaped Space

A Mango-Shaped Space

2005 • 218 pages


Average rating4


OK, so this book was all levels of weird and cool... First off Mia seemed nice and her cool condition Synesthesia was described... well I suppose. I don't experience this and to be honest I may have aphantasia... so no colors for me... sigh. Her cat Mango was very sweet and Spoilerhis death was very touching and sad... I didn't get why Mia thought she was responsible for it... I mean she loved him soo much!!! Mia misses his deceased grandpa which makes sense (I never experienced the death of a grandparent, one grandma is dead but I never met her so...) and she thinks that a part of his soul is in heaven and the other in the cat Mango.... which is weird. I am not trying to offend anyone but the idea is so scientifically and religiously impossible in my opinion... I don't know if they had any religion themselves... Zach is the weirdest here and it's addressed that he is a believer of superstitions and I don't believe them any bit... so it was odd. His parents didn't seem to mind tho... and I suppose it could have been a phase. Beth was more normal she was just into spiritual stuff, yoga and vegetarian and into saving earth... which is nice of course. The thing that almost no one has ever heard of Synesthesia was odd to me... cuz I did pretty early on... And they kinda treated it like a disease or sth... Jessie was a nice friend. But I didn't like Adam at all.... he was a creep!!!
Anyways I kinda recommend this but not soo much!!!

June 26, 2021