Average rating4
Contains spoilers
I was excited to read this as who wouldn't want to step into the world of their favorite rom-com story? It opened well with great cozy vibes but went down from there. I liked the idea of this character pointing out the flaws of classic rom-coms and trying to make the lives of characters from her favourite books better.
Nothing much happened with her "help" and she ended up making some dumb decisions as well. The romance for her was so, so, so bad. No build up just, bam! They are super into each other. Then there was THAT ending. It was horrible! I thought for a book that brought up not accepting bad character decisions that this book would try its best not to fall into any pits. Well, the ending didn't fall but jumped head-first into one. One that no one can come back from.
To save yourself, the ending had the male lead ditch the female to be with a character that looked like his deceased partner. Then he later shows up like my bad never mind.
This was not worth it and there was not enough to redeem it.