A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

Essays and Arguments

1997 • 353 pages


Average rating4.2


All right, so I did skip parts of a couple of essays, but I was going cross-eyed.

‰ЫПDevoting lots of productive time to studying closely how people come across to them, fiction writers also spend lots of less productive time wondering nervously how they come across to other people. ‰Ы_ A majority of fiction writers, born watchers, tend to dislike being objects of people‰ЫЄs attention.‰Ыќ ‰ЫУ In any group, I‰ЫЄd rather watch and listen than participate, and since I was a kid and to this day I tend, in any company, to get hot and red-faced and stuttery if more than one pair of eyes is focused on me. Born to write fiction, pals.

January 1, 2005