This book was highly anticipated (by me), as I am a bit of a fan of Norman Lewis, I found this a bit hit and miss. Twenty chapters, or stand alone articles, generally a different location for each (although there are three for Cuba, three for Spain etc), from a range of time periods. They were mostly articles commissioned by various newspapers.Some were excellent, some I found less engaging. A great diversity in topics, and writing styles.Obviously, the most important (and longest article) is Genocide, described by Lewis himself as his life's greatest achievement, describes the treatment of Indians in Brazil [1968]. This article led to the Brazilian government changing its laws in the treatment of Indians, and was the forerunner to his well known book [b:The Missionaries 2486573 The Missionaries Norman Lewis 2399988].Other articles that I found excellent were The Bullfight Revisited, Rangoon Express, High Adventure with the Choco's in Panama (six hours required), Ibiza and Assassination in Ibiza.A short passage of writing I liked: P23 - A Letter from Belize“I found ‘El Insecto', which was a four seated Cessna, in a field full of yellow daises,and helped the pilot to pull it out on to the runway. When it too off, he leaned across me to make sure that the door was properly shut. There were a few cosy rattles in the cabin, of the kind that most cars develop after some years of honourable service. These added to the pleasantly casual feeling of the trip.”These articles ranged from 2 to 5 stars, but on balance it sat between 3 and four, rounded up for the excellence of the above mentioned articles.