A window opens

A window opens

2015 • 370 pages


Average rating4


It wasn't until I was about a fourth of the way into the story that I got sucked into the tale; I'm not a thirty-something like the main character of this novel and my life didn't face the same trials. But just when I was thinking about setting the book down, I did get sucked in and from there to the end I never stopped turning pages.

Alice Pearse was happy with her life as a mom-wife-part-time-writer until her husband came home one day and said he'd quit his job. Alice quickly obtains what appears to be a dream job—she's helping launch a start-up innovative bookstore—but the view from closed doors of her job isn't quite what she'd hoped. A gentle look at what companies say vs. what companies do along with an inside look at women at work and home today. Very good story.

September 5, 2015