A Wizard of Earthsea
1968 • 210 pages


Average rating3.9


This was definitely not my cup of tea. I looked forward to reading it considering how much it has been talked about. This has nothing to do with her prose, per se; because I really enjoyed a lot of the colourful descriptions, and I got a clear sense of the fantasy-world and what things are like. However, Ged as a main character was an absolute trifle and difficult to read about. And that latter point is exactly what I felt like I was doing: instead of becoming involved in the story, what Ged was feeling or what he was thinking, or the action taking place, I instead felt like I was reading a scribe's account. The prose was ‘telling prose,' and I quite literally felt like things were just being told to me. Even the dialogue was stiff, inserted like they do in the older Greek tales. And I'm not a fan of feeling outside the narrative. Considering the story and the magic worked, it could have only been improved and more enjoyable with 1. more time spent on some things and 2. more deep-diving into what was going on. It felt surface-level, and it was difficult getting through the last chapter. Despite this, I will be attempting to read the rest of the series, and will see how it progresses into later books.

February 23, 2020