Average rating3.9
I've never read an Earthsea book, and I knew nothing about the world except that it was fantasy. I didn't even know the name, “Ged.” I'd heard in many places how respected Le Guin is, but reading Earthsea was something I just would get around to one day.
Well, I got my library card and began using the Libby app. I've been reading ebooks on my tablet instead of my phone, and it's much more enjoyable. And that's how I put a hold on A Wizard of Earthsea. I knew of the book, and it was there, and when it became available, I read it.
Well, what a surprise and a delight. It's a fantastical book following a young man as he becomes a wizard. However, he's arrogant and proud, believing in his own greatness. This nearly ruins him, and then he must right his wrongs and discover how he can be that wizard.
The book is short, so I don't want to share too many details. Learning about the world of Earthsea should be done by the book itself. It's a quick, smooth read. The writing pulls you along as though you were listening to someone tell a great story at a party. You don't want them to stop. You need to know what happens.
Le Guin's style made me think not only of Lord of the Rings but also Narnia. It felt like a mix to me. It's a fantasical history of sorts, and it's so pleasant and enjoyable to experience. I can't wait to read the next one.