A Woman Ignored
A Woman Ignored
Average rating4
Lizzie and Sarah are back and this time Sarah wants a baby, but they have to face another crisis first.
Lizzie and Sarah are married now and living in a new home when Sarah springs the news on Lizzie that she wants her baby. While still reeling from this news, Lizzie gets a phone call that her mother is sick. A Woman Ignored deals with Lizzie's feelings about parenthood - being a parent and being the child of a parent. The crew is all there to give their input, plus three newcomers Doug, Maddie's new boyfriend, Tiffany, Peter's fiance, and Casey, Ethan's daughter. Lizzie's process through all of this is realistic and as unfinished as life is. The advantage Lizzie has over most is her fantastic support system. T.B. Markinson mixes the darkness of the emotions with the humor of friends.
For me this was a tough read as my own mother is sick, so this hit a little too close to home for me. I was into the book and already laughing about Lizzie's response to Sarah's baby request, when the phone call came and to be honest I did not want to finish reading the book. I did finish it though and luckily for Lizzie and me, Markinson does not drown you in “The Scotch Lady's” (Evelyn) illness. As with life, Lizzie has to deal with Sarah's insecurities regarding infidelity, her own insecurities regarding parenthood and her lack of knowledge regarding how to be a child. Lizzie competing with a three-year-old as to who knows more about Ariel and then only have Casey switch up the game because she had no clue they were even competing was hilarious. I think I would recommend this book more for the relationships involved than for romance. The community and family that you make when you are LGBTQ and not supported by your biological family is sometimes what you need to survive and Markinson displays this beautifully in this book.
#FridayReads #BookReview #LesbianBookReview #TBMarkinson #AWomanIgnored #AWomanLostSeries #LesbianRomance #Lesbian #Romance #LesbianFiction #RatedRSex #3Stars #PhoebesRainbowWorld #FlippingRainbows #LGBT #LGBTQ