A Writer’s Journey

A Writer’s Journey

2016 • 180 pages


Average rating4


The value of this book to a Malaysian or Asian writer is that Gina Yap Lai Yoong isn't some white author in a faraway white land doing this glamorous writing thing that seems abstract and unrelateable to us.

Gina loves writing, and despite being introverted and having to work harder at public appearances, she is also very determined and resourceful about both getting words down and getting them published.

Fortunately for you and me, she is generous with her knowledge and has put together this book to talk about practical things that you probably haven't thought about (ie your autograph signature should not be the same one you use in your official documents), and some very obvious things that serves as a kick in the pants (ie this book isn't gonna write itself).

A Writer's Journey is an easy-to-read and friendly little tome that will sit in the same category on my shelf as Stephen King's On Writing, because we all love a peek into the writing process and personal life of more accomplished authors.

Disclaimer: Gina is a friend, but she neither asked nor bribed me to write this review.

December 22, 2018