Adnan's Story: The Search for Truth and Justice After Serial

Adnan's Story

The Search for Truth and Justice After Serial



Average rating4.3


Two lives were taken when Hae Min Lee was murdered.

Adnan's Story is probably the most frustrating and infuriating book I've ever read. It's brilliant. It's honest. It's compelling. I'm not going to recap this story because you already know it. Who hasn't at least listened to Serial? (If you haven't, run don't walk.) Serial is, of course, where I first encountered the story of Adnan Syed. And for a year, I took it at face value. Just by this (what I see now is) tiny amount of information about the case, I thoroughly and wholeheartedly believed in Adnan's innocence. Just recently, I found this book by the fiercely multifaceted Rabia Chaudry and had to read it. In the midst of reading this, I listened to the Crime Junkie podcast's episode about Adnan. And wait, I thought Serial told the whole story. You see, I'm clearly terribly naive. I believed a journalist.

Adnan's Story is a must read for anyone who listened to Serial. It tells the WHOLE story, detail by detail. At times, it's slow. This is because Rabia is incredibly detailed in her storytelling, not wishing to leave a scrap, a morsel, of information unshared. I admit that despite it's popularity, I haven't listened to Undisclosed (don't judge me, I'm listening to like 5 true crime podcasts at any given moment) but you can BET I'll be starting it from the beginning ASAP.

I'm angry, I'm upset, I'm sad, and I'm SO SO disappointed (as always) by the “justice” system. There is almost nothing that frustrates me more than the injustice in this cruel world. Adnan's Story (and Hae's story) is a prime example of this. Cold hard facts prove that Adnan had no involvement in his close friend's murder. The motorcycle! The fax cover sheet! Asia! The reward! The #taptaptap! Jay's confession of lies! The list goes on and on. I will not rant about my own theories in this case, as that will do nothing but hmu with your theories, let's rant. This book is important. Adnan's story is important, Hae's story is important. READ IT. Listen to ALL the podcasts, dive deep, find new evidence, be a web sleuth.

Shout out to Rabia and JUSTIN, the defense lawyer Adnan needed all along. I hope next time I see this book pop up in my feed, Adnan is free and Hae's true killer is brought to justice.

February 11, 2020