Alanna: The First Adventure

Alanna: The First Adventure

1983 • 274 pages


Average rating4.1


I was in the mood for a gender bender and I remembered the book I skimmed through in the library when I was 12. For some reason, I never checked it out or finished it. Probably because of the topics I deemed “adult” at that age, like Alanna getting her period which is basically all I remembered every time I thought about reading this book. Now that I'm older, I figured I'd probably like it more. And I did, and I was eager to read the sequels. But being the evil person I am, I read the reviews for those sequels, spoiling it for myself (if there are accessible spoilers, I will read them). And well, even if the series isn't all about the romance, that's one of the main factors that keep me invested in stories, no matter how understated the romance is. In fact, the more understated it is, the more I end up loving it. And the romance in this series just isn't my cup of tea. I like the subtle kinds full of innocence, like in the books by Diana Wynne Jones. So I agree with my 12-year old self on not wanting to continue the series :)

January 24, 2018Report this review