Average rating4.1
Did I hate this book? No. But it wasn't good.
I loved Stiefvater's The Raven Cycle, but this just really fell short for me. I absolutely loathed the writing style. I didn't understand the use of run-on sentences and punctuation that plagued this book as mold grows on bread. It served no known purpose to the plot and was simply just irritating in the long run.
I didn't really care about many of the characters. None of them were developed very well and left a lot to be desired.
The one decent thing about this book- what's giving it an extra star, really- is the plot. It is new and fresh and I even liked the fact that it was set in a strange place in an uncommon (in literature) time. It was expertly woven and intricate. And perhaps that was the issue with this book. Maybe Stiefvater developed the plot so well that she simply forgot about every other part of a book. Whatever the case, this just didn't work for me.