Average rating3.2
Allegiant, at least for me, was more mature and darker than the previous novels. The intensity and the level of emotion was vastly improved and explores more on the “dystopian” genre. There are some parts that will truly remain with you after finishing it. I really liked how the book is told in two different perspectives. And I was really intrigued with Tobias' point of views because it really shows how his character is highly flawed and very complex, but in a good way though.
Most people who reviewed this book criticised its ending. They said they felt betrayed and devastated for killing off the best characters in the series. Have you guys even heard of the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin? Because if you do then it's fashionable nowadays how authors kill off the important characters (so stop whining). I can say that the ending doesn't have the most satisfying ending when it comes to dystopian novels but in my opinion, it didn't really destroy the entire series as a whole.
I'm really glad that I got attached to this trilogy. It's been a great ride of emotions. Veronica Roth really captured every young-adult readers' hearts out there. I'm looking forward to what she'll work on next.
For the last time: BE BRAVE