Average rating3.8
3 stars.
This was quite enjoyable altough I had my problems with the book.
- Anna was naive and judging. All. the. fucking. time! She assumed things about her friends and family (or more like Étiennes family) without asking or knowing them a bit. This combines with the next point drived me nuts and I put the book down for the last 50 pages.
- Show don't tell. Despite a few conversations there wasn't much ‘evil' doing from his father. He was mean but not as mean as told.
- Miscommunication of doom.
- The bullying aspect was unnessesary and not resolved at all. The little help Lola gave wasn't really a good measurement to give a good lesson except ‘bullying is bad'.
The cheating aspect wasn't my issue. Since we only saw Ellie like.... 10 pages? For me, it felt like Ellie wasn't even there (despite the fact that Anna lost her own head over her like every third page).
Lowering my rating to 2 stars because in contrast to Lola and Isla, Anna had a serious case of double standards (slutshaming, I'm not like other girls syndrome, egocentric behaviour towards her own friends, etc.).