Average rating4.3
First of all, kudos to the translator. In my experience with Backman's books (at least the ones I've read so far), the translators have been top-notch at capturing his unique voice and the distinctive style of his writing.
When it comes to Backman, it's almost guaranteed that I'm going to enjoy the book. His ability to write complex characters, capture their duality, and explore the human condition resonates so strongly with me that I can't help but love his work.
That's true in this book as well. It is a book about a bank robbery, about a hostage situation, but above all it's a story about a group of idiots trying to make their way in the world. T the way he explores those idiots, is at times funny, frustrating, and deeply emotional.
A perfect score for a book about imperfect people.
This is my favourite fiction book of all time. I think I have said this a number of times. I forget now much I've loved other books, but this? Unexpected. Brilliant. A true state of heart. I will recommend this read to everyone I cross paths with.
CW: suicide
Look, you know I love me some Backman, but this really didn't work for me. Yes he still has a way with words, yes he can state truths about life in a way that is chef's kiss, yes he can build relationships beautifully. But even when I tried to suspend belief, there was just too much about this story that I didn't believe.
- Estelle attending the viewing of her own apartment- The policeman giving the bank robber advice about how to get away from the police.- The "it's not your fault" unopened letter Zara carried around for 10 years, after the man she wouldn't loan money to jumped off a bridge. (That the man would write the letter and that Zara wouldn't open it.) Also that she basically stalked her therapist, that's a weird thing to do.- That anyone would rob a bank for $6000.- That whole rabbit-on-the-toilet thing?? WTF???
Also I really don't appreciate calling people names, and it bugged me a lot that Backman/the narrator kept calling the characters “idiots” throughout the book, especially because as the reader I didn't think they were all idiots. I maybe didn't believe their motivations or actions, but I rarely think so lowly of someone to think they're an idiot, and it bothered me that it was thrown around so unthinkingly.
I was disappointed, but clearly I'm in the minority based on how many rave review there are. But I've read a lot of Backman's work at this point, and this is probably my least favorite.
If i could say one thing about this book it would be this quote. "A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet” - William Butler Yeats
This book was written with so much heart. With each page of twists and connections the story warmly deepens. The perspective shifts were great with each chapter. It made me curiously wonder what would come with each story line. Very well written! Becoming an adult has always been one of my biggest fears. Just like everyone i want to stay young, however it does not happen. I am writing this at just twenty, younger than the characters of the book. Nevertheless i felt for each characters growing pains and joys. The everyday unnoticed by others yet similar struggles was familiar. One day you're in the summer heat eating ice cream after camp with friends and the next struggling to pay rent. How does one just wake up one day with obligations like taxes and groceries needed to be done. If you're alone, that makes it all just dreadful. This book puts us all in one ark to ride the flood together. Bringing the people with these challenges of life to weather it out. Those you believe are nothing but uncommon strangers quickly become a shoulder and friend to lean on.
Happy to have this as my first 2025 and Goodreads log!
A book which is a must read for anyone and everyone. Light hearted yet beautifully profound and emotional at the same time. Fredrik Backman at his very best in this one!
Den är boken fick meg att skratta högt , att blir arg och att gissa. Den är inte perfekt, med fem stjärnor får den i alla fall.
Satu perampok, delapan orang asing, dan satu gagasan yang sangat buruk. Survei tempat tinggal tidak biasanya melibatkan situasi hidup dan mati, tapi itulah yang terjadi. Perampok yang gagal tiba-tiba menyerbu sebuah apartemen dan menyandera sekelompok orang asing: pasangan yang baru saja pensiun; direktur bank kaya yang terlalu sibuk untuk peduli kepada orang lain; pasangan muda yang akan memiliki anak pertama tapi tak pernah bisa sepakat; wanita 87 tahun yang sudah hidup cukup lama hingga tak takut todongan pistol, agen real estat yang gampang panik tapi selalu siap untuk menjual properti, dan pria misterius yang mengunci diri di satu-satunya kamar mandi di apartemen. Tiap sandera membawa kepedihan, luka, rahasia, dan renjana yang meluap-luap. Tak satu pun dari mereka seperti apa yang tampak dari luar.
Banyak terselip pelajaran kehidupan & cerita yang membuat haru dalam buku ini, walau awalnya agak membingungkan.
I wasn't planning on reading this book until later in the year, but I'm glad I did. I haven't had the best look with books lately, and this was a nice break.
I wasn't sure what to think of it for the first half. It was all over the place and was confusing and weird. But, I ended up loving it! I've never read a book structured quite like this, almost like it was told out of order.
As I followed the journey in this book, I slowly fell in love with the characters, especially Estelle. I figured out the secret about the apartment, but not who the criminal was.
This was one of the most fun books I've read this year, despite the epic confusion in the beginning. The narrator was great, and the characters were adorable. I thought the ending was wrapped up a little too perfectly, but it was still a great book.
I can't remember enjoying a book this much. The play with narrative reveal, witty, cynical humor, the commentary on life. I'm curious to see down the road how it holds for reread value, and I want to know what all my friends and family think of it. I'm definitely paying attention to other referrals from the person I heard about this from and will check out the author's other stuff as well.
That is one of the truest five star books that I can only think about.
I loved it from the beginning to the very last page. I just feel so content with all the feels.
Now I wan't to try again with Bear Town and read all other books by Fredrik Backman.
Absolutes JahresHighlight. Ich werde ganz bald mehr von ihm lese.Habe das Gefühl er könnte einer meiner Liebsten Autoren werden
Davvero molto carino questo libro, quello che si potrebbe definire in maniera perfetta come un “comfort book”. Quei libri che ti fanno sentire bene e alla fine in pace con il mondo. Ho visto che da questo libro è stata tratta una serie su Netflix, che ora guarderò, sperando di non rimanerne deluso come spesso accade, purtroppo.
In “Gli ansiosi”, Backman crea un cast di personaggi ben sviluppati e abbastanza realistici che affrontano le loro ansie in modi diversi. Ognuno dei personaggi ha una storia e una personalità uniche e affronta le proprie ansie in modi diversi. Il libro affronta anche temi importanti come la salute mentale, la solitudine, l'amicizia e l'amore. Tra le pagine ci sono molti momenti toccanti e commoventi, ma Backman è in grado di equilibrare queste emozioni con momenti di leggerezza e humor (forse a volte esagerando un poco), creando così un'esperienza di lettura molto appagante.
La trama è ben strutturata e coinvolgente, e l'autore è in grado di mantenere alta l'attenzione del lettore fino alla fine: tutto inizia con una rapina in una banca e con una presa d'ostaggi durante una vendita di un appartamento e non aggiungo altro per non rovinare le varie sorprese di questo libro.
L'autore utilizza uno stile di scrittura coinvolgente che ti tiene incollato alle pagine e ti fa sentire come se facessi parte della vita dei personaggi. Il suo modo di raccontare le storie è semplice, ma allo stesso tempo elegante, e ti fa immergere completamente nel mondo che ha creato.
In sintesi, “Gli ansiosi” di Fredrik Backman è un libro toccante e ben scritto che affronta le ansie e le paure che tutti noi dobbiamo affrontare nella vita. Consiglio questo libro a chiunque cerchi una storia coinvolgente, piena di emozioni e con personaggi che non si dimenticano facilmente.
Definitely a slow read. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I'd jump to recommend it. But, still a really beautiful story about how we are all dealing with our own shit, and you can't judge a book by its cover.