2013 • 320 pages


Average rating4.5


(Le sigh... Le sigh some more...)

It is always wonderful to come back to this world time and time again. After reading both Deity and Elixir, I found myself quite anxious to know what was to come next. Let's just say JLA came through on this one too. It's a winner, y'all.

This book has what we have all come to expect and love from the Covenant Series and some. It had action, intrigue, angst, secrets, revelations, passion, romance, Sentinels, Pures, Apollyons and lots of gods.
You will get a healthy dose of sharing Alex's brain with Seth, a trip into Hades and um, more. Much more.
I love Alex. Always have and most likely, always will. She has come a long way and has grown so much in the last two books. She is no longer the impulsive loner who reacts first and deals with the consequences later. She is selfless, more now than ever before. She is also trying to live in the now, appreciating those who surround her with love, realizing that tomorrow is not promised.

I love Aiden. Always have and most likely, always will. He is literally Alex's rock. Although, I could easily make this about Alex and Aiden, I won't. This book really is so much more than a romance. What I will say is that Alex has never had stability. Aiden's love, loyalty and devotion give Alex stability. With that she finds the strength and courage to make tough decisions and sacrifices.

As I mentioned before there is romance. This would not be a Jennifer L. Armentrout book if steam didn't lift off the pages. You'll be satisfied. Like, REALLY satisfied.

It's just a great read with lots of growth and consistency in the writing. That in itself is amazing. As we get closer to the end I can't help but to feel sad. Sentinel will be released towards the end of the year and it will be the last book in the series. So many things can happen. JLA can take the ending in so many directions. This book wasn't predictable and if JLA continues to write like this, Sentinel won't be either. I'm counting down the seconds until I can get my copy of Sentinel and anything else that comes in between.

ARC lent to me by the lovely Eileen over at Singing and Reading in the Rain!

March 1, 2013