Archangel's Lineage


Average rating5


 Well, that was something! Sadly, I have to say that this isn???t in my top five books in this series. The plot is pretty straightforward even with the MacGuffin at the heart of said plot, and it just hasn???t got the same amount of depth or interest as the plots of previous books. 
But what really makes this book is what???s going on with the characters, especially Elena and her having to confront the mortality of those nearest and dearest to her. Given the ten-year time-skip a lot of characters who used to be children are now grownups, and it was great getting to check in with them again to see how they were getting on with their lives. It was those moments with Elena, where she was coming to grips with their mortality, that were the best parts of this book. 
Also interesting were the bits involving Vivek, the hunter who was made into a vampire at some point in the previous books in the hopes that it would cure his disabilities. This book links him with a brand-new character in the series, and I am looking forward to seeing their connection develop and progress in upcoming books. 
Speaking of new characters, another one is introduced in this novel that adds a whole new spin to the history of angelkind, and answers some lingering questions about the Legion as well. I???m not sure where Singh is going to take this series after this book, but at the very least I know it???ll be somewhere interesting, all things considered. 
Overall, this was a pretty fun read, though not for its main plot. Instead, the best parts were in the side plots involving Elena, whose reckoning with mortality and family is always a fascinating thread and gets really explored in this novel. Vivek also gets some time to shine, and it???ll be really interesting to see where his story goes. That being said, this book introduces a whole new angle to the long distant past of angelkind, and sets the stage for some very interesting happenings in the future, which I am definitely looking forward to. 

April 24, 2024