2011 • 466 pages


Average rating4.1


*2023 relisten: Still a great P-A YA book, and I still love that it's set in Iowa–well mostly Iowa. The only thing I didn't really remember is how depressing it is. The world post-eruption is harsh and literally dark and dirty. I still hope this never happens, because if it does, we fcked.

=============original review from 2021===========
Oh man, how I love post-apocalyptic (P-A) fiction when it's well done, and the Ashfall series definitely qualifies! I listened to the first book and the narrator was great, but I was too impatient to carry on listening, so I sped-read the remaining two books. I'll go back and listen to the whole series later.

I had no idea the series was set in and around Iowa–that's a fun plus. Who knew getting out of Cedar Falls would be so hard? ;)

If you enjoy YA-P-A fiction, this is a must read. Much like book 1 in the Last Survivors series, this series presents a completely realistic unfolding of events following the disaster–here, the discharge of a super-volcano in Yellowstone. Loss of light, air-quality issues, food shortages, never-ending winter, humans doing the absolute worst things to other humans because they can, and attempting to survive despite the horrors. The saga is told by Alex, who is just fifteen years old at the start of the tale. There's always an element in YA P-A fiction where the main character is forced to age reaaaaal fast. Yesterday, a geometry quiz; tomorrow, running from cannibals. Here, there's a slow build of WTF is happening that let's you experience Alex's journey. Alex also has a heart of gold and fights to hold on to the best of human ideals, so it's really easy to cheer for him, even when you're questioning his decisions. I enjoyed the whole series.

Along with Alex I learned a lot about survival. Kale is a superfood. Who knew? I'm always going to have Kale seeds on hand in case I need to barter for shelter (who am I kidding–I'll be one of the first dead at the super freeze, and I'm good with that). Also, pine bark. Yum!

Ultimately, a fun pandemic read.

February 22, 2021