Average rating3.8
I think this book delivered exactly what I hoped it would - cute, easy to read, trope-y. It feels a bit like the book equivalent of...any kind of blue candy (jolly ranchers, lollypops, etc). It isn't the greatest gourmet food in the world, and it probably has a whole lot of sugar and chemicals, and you know that the blue isn't natural, but you still enjoy it in the moment and you know what to expect - no big surprises.
For folks that enjoyed this book, I would also recommend the Villains and Virtues series by A. K. Caggiano. Not the same story (obviously) but same root premise - sunshine character ends up hanging out with the grumpy villain for Reasons.
(I'm kind of loving this sudden popularity of making villains the main character - I love a morally gray character.)
Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)
When I picked it up, I quickly realized why some readers might feel a tinge of disappointment - it's not the high fantasy epic one might expect. Instead, this charming book is more akin to a Disney movie or a heartwarming Hallmark holiday special. And that's precisely where its magic lies.
The story, centered around an unlikely assistant thrusted into the world of a not-so-terrifying villain, unfolds with a light-heartedness that's both refreshing and engaging. It's witty and funny, brimming with a kind of magical whimsy that effortlessly transports you into its world. The characters are endearingly quirky, and their adventures, while not deeply complex, are filled with heart and humor.
What makes it particularly captivating is its simplicity. The language and writing style are straightforward, making it an addictive read for those looking for an enjoyable escape. It's the sort of book you'd love to curl up with on a lazy afternoon, losing yourself in its pages with a smile on your face.
This book may not satisfy those yearning for intricate world-building or elaborate fantasy lore. However, for readers who delight in a story that's simple yet enchanting, it is a gem. It's a reminder that sometimes, a light and amusing tale is just what we need. In a world filled with complex narratives, this book stands out with its ability to simply entertain and amuse, proving that sometimes, less can indeed be more.
3.5 stars. I wasn't sure about this book for the majority of it. It didn't grab me the way that I wanted it to and I can't really put my finger on why. Having said that, I was in it by the end and I will definitely read book 2. Glad that Evie is coming into her own. I think she's going to be a badass in the next book.
This book was a lot of fun and I really liked Evie (Sage). Heroes and Villains sometimes are the same.
I sat down intending to read for an hour and finished the whole book. This was great. Was it the best book I've ever read? No, but it was fun and I was hooked! And there's a sort of talking frog and honestly why aren't there more talking frogs in books? The sense of humor in this book is not for everyone but it was definitely for me.
Full disclosure I did follow the author's tiktoks where she started this idea and that definitely influenced my opinion.
DNFed @ 25%
someone said that this book is full of millennial cringe and they're right. I hoped that I could just turn my brain off for this book, but the writing is so bad I couldn't go through with it
2.5 ⭐️ I love a good slow burn, don't get me wrong, but this one was too slow... also it's supposed to be dual POV but it's mainly Evie's POV. There should be more from The Villain's POV since his chapters were way easier to get through tbh.
Oh, that was a thrilling book! Fun, captivating, mysterious, emotional... with, yes, a cliffhanger! But I find it the good kind of cliffhangers. First, we have a few answers (who's the traitor and why does the Villain does what he does) so there's still a finality in this novel. Second, the cliffhanger is a positive one. Without spoiling, I'll just say that Evie a badass woman surrounded by badass people and the way it ends... oh wow, I can't wait to see what they'll do!!