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Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki's Conjecture (Light Novel), Vol. 2

Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki's Conjecture (Light Novel), Vol. 2

The Supernatural Hides in the Cracks



Average rating5


Format read: Ebook (Kindle)
Reading time: 3-4h
Tags: mystery, adventure, translation, friendship, found family, psychological, supernatural
Own a copy: yes (it's in the mail)
Reread likelihood: 10/10

Naoya continues to help Professor Takatsuki in his research on ghosts, but when Naoya falls ill and loses his ability to hear lies, he fears that his usefulness for the professor has run its course. Meanwhile, Takatsuki meets with new clients, who believe they are being haunted or, worse, that they are god-chosen.


In the crevices between ordinary things, where the extraordinary lies, that's where the mysterious lurks. (p.44)

An Incident at School

Studio Ghost

Miracle Child

Just then, he caught sight of Takatsuki onstage. In an instant, the joy swelling in Naoya's chest was punctured. For a moment, he couldn't breathe. He could feel the smile that had bloomed on his face contort unnaturally. Staring dazingly at Takatsuki's face, made large on the screen, Naoya let the hand at his ear drop. What if, he thought. If his ears had become just like anyone else's... then that person–Takatsuki... How would he react? What would he say? (p.110)

Sasakura stared hard at Takatsuki, who seemed to be pushing himself to smile. “Don't get too caught up in this case.” (p.197)

Oh, Naoya thought. That was why Takatsuki had said to him, over and over–I want you to stay by my side. I would be happy if you were here. That was how he truly felt. Takatsuki chose Naoya to be his companion through the endlessly dark borderlands. (p.165)
January 14, 2024Report this review