An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones
Average rating4.2
I think as far as self-help books go, this one is actually one of the better ones.
It doesn't just talk about what you should strive to achieve, but gives you actionable meaningful steps and tools for how to go about achieving things.
I liked that the book was split in specific principles and discussed them separately with good examples and then gave us different methods to combine and execute those principles, based on personality and convenience.
The one reason why it doesn't get 5 stars is that I think the author went a bit overboard. There is such a thing as too much explanation and you can kind of find it here. I also think that all the methods provided (though truly helpful if you apply them properly - I have used them in management and they do work) can be a bit overwhelming to most people. By principle 3 one is already fed up and anxious to apply the theory in practice. But there's still more and there is just too much management talk for the average person to find meaningful. I rather think it will confuse and deter them from even beginning.
Still, great book that it taught me a few things. I recommend if you are struggling to adopt and maintain new habits.