Avatar The Last Airbender The Lost Adventures


Average rating3.7


Just before reviewing this adorably amazing comic book let me just say...
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER TV SHOW!!!!! It is by far my absolute favorite and I won't take it back! Everything about it is amazing, I've never watched a show that got me as hooked like this one... And Toph, Zuko, and our Uncle Iroh are my favorites characters for different reasons!!! I didn't see any uncle Iroh here tho... >< Anyways back to the comicbook review...
It is greatly illustrated with different kinds of styles which I found adorable! I didn't like that Zuko wasn't in the cover tho... It is basically a collection of mini stories that happened in between the episodes of the show, the adventures that didn't make it in TV... and some in the end of the show. Suki was there too!!! Sokka was funny here as always, and Katara as a responsible motherly and quite powerful waterbender. Toph's jokes are still the BEST!!! And Aang is just... fine! If you are a fan of the show you should probably read the comics the novels and maybe watch TLOK too... and look out for The Legend of Genji and my fanfic Onida: The new avatar in Wattpad. It is about the next avatar after Genji who is a firebender from the Sunwarriors in the new age of technology and global warming... cool stuff!!! And Avatar is way too Anime to not be an Anime... fight me!!! (no really don't) Anyways I Loved this!!!

June 26, 2021