Awakening From Anxiety: A Spiritual Guide to Living a More Calm, Confident, and Courageous Life

Awakening From Anxiety

A Spiritual Guide to Living a More Calm, Confident, and Courageous Life



Average rating5


A most excellent book. Connie brings a fresh and profound perspective shift on dealing with anxiety and transforming it into spirituality. A most excellent approach which is deeply useful and valuable. Enjoyable and fun, yet deals with the real issues at hand, but in a way that's easy to manage and relatable. Connie knows her subject intimately as well as those who deal with it and how exactly to go about remedying matters. A great read.

I had shared the book with a client who has dealt with anxiety all their life, I asked them to copy-paste from the book what they found useful and valuable. They ended up copy-pasting 90% of the book, so powerful was it for them. A most revealing testimonial.

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