Ban This Book

Ban This Book

2017 • 256 pages


Average rating4.5


I loved this book so much! I mean this book has been sitting on my “shelf” for two years and never been around to reading it. I was excited but I thought before I read this why don't I read Amy Anne's favorite banned book first? So I did. I liked that book and honestly, I didn't see why it was banned, it is stupid. Well, this book said the same thing too. No one should be able to tell ban a book except your parents and I agree! Some books here were once I read and liked and some were that I wouldn't read but it didn't matter. You can't ban them for everyone, that's stupid! I think Amy Anne was autistic or at least neurodivergent with anxiety. I'm pretty sure. And I related to her a lot, I mean we're both big bookworms that read a book in a day (I read this book in a day too). I loved how she turned from this silent girl who always went along with what others told her to do and never opposed to a bigger and confident person who says what she wants to say but still she has to play by the rules which make sense. I felt bad that she felt so neglected and how her sisters were always the center of attention. I'm glad the ending went that way. Her friends were great, SpoilerTrey was the best! I liked that it had no romance between our characters and it was inclusive. SpoilerI didn't like the use of the word sex many times but the reason why it was mentioned was ok, but hey that's no reason to ban this one too!!! I do recommend this to bookish friends and I think you're gonna like this! My book's cover is prettier than this but whatever... lol

October 14, 2021