Average rating4.2
Still a little too soon to tell, but this might be my least fave of the Witcher books thus far. After the climactic schism of events in Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire already started on a disadvantage of matching the same epic scale. Baptism starts a bit slow to match Geralt's state from the previous outing, but feels light on the story aside from some team building for our Witcher, his trusty bard companion, and some familiar faces along the war torn path to Nilfgaard. In contrast to bouncing around a myriad different groups around the Continent, Baptism tends to primarily focus on Geralt and his new company of allies as they journey through danger towards Ciri. That said, those more curious about Ciri, will be very disappointed with this entry.
It's cool to see the forming of The Lodge, having played the games already allowing me to pinpoint the majority of the sorceresses. But the true surprise here was the introduction of a game fave character, Regis, of which I won't spoil any further for those who are not in the know.