This comic really didn't work for me. I mean, I was a little unsure to start with, because I've never been a Batman fan, but I figured I could give a gay Batwoman a chance. (Depending on the version, I do sometimes like Batgirl, anyway.) This is more a detective/mystery than I was expecting - and those are wildly hit or miss (usually miss) for me. I didn't care for so much page time being devoted to unmaking Batwoman because I've never liked that aspect of superheroes. There's several ‘recap' type things in here, too. In fact, it starts off with one and that did little more than drag me out of the story. Finally, and if this makes me shallow, so be it, the art style is one that I find unpleasent. Really, mostly Kane/Batwoman herself.

(Besides that, I've kind of gotten spoiled with the comics that, each ‘omnibus' anyway, tells a complete story. This one doesn't.)

April 11, 2018