Average rating3.5
This is a complex book with a complex cast of characters. Ostensibly this book follows Jade, a girl born to poverty who finds her way to a life of riches and fame, and JungHo, a street urchin who has a fated run-in with Jade and the two become fast friends. Together, then apart, then together again, the two cross and re-cross paths repeatedly throughout this complex story taking place during the Korean independence movement in the early 1900s. There's a good story here for someone, unfortunately I never found it. The cast of characters is large and unwieldy, and even though each character's story is woven into the larger story of Jade and JungHo in some way, it was still hard for me to keep track of what was going on and who was who sometimes. I also never really connected with the story, such as it was. To me, the story felt like it was moving at a glacial speed, with large stretches where nothing really happens. I know lots of people love books where the pace is a little slower so they have time to get to know and understand the characters, but it felt extremely slow for my tastes.I think if you like books paced like [b:Pachinko 34051011 Pachinko Min Jin Lee https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1529845599l/34051011.SY75.jpg 50384116], you'll like this one. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review.