Average rating4.5
An unfortunate consequence of the Goodreads rating system is having to rate a book four stars and then, in the same keystroke, loudly proclaim everyone should read this! I'm going to use an analogy inspired by the book itself: one of Obama's top priorities as First Lady was to address the childhood obesity epidemic; part of that approach was planting a garden at the White House and encouraging healthy eating. Becoming is healthy, nutritious, necessary eating. I can't claim the book “was amazing” any more than I could in good conscience claim that a given carrot or apple was amazing—but veggies and fruits are an important part of my day, crème brûlée is not, so I only choose the best I can get. Becoming is at the very high end of the best of that best.
Michelle Robinson was lucky. Kind, smart, hardworking parents with a commitment to their children; other encouraging adults in her life; chance opportunities that worked out well. She acknowledges this, recognizing also that there are thousands of others just like her who've had a different roll of the dice. She uses that knowledge to motivate her toward always encouraging others and offering them a hand up. Childhood education, mentoring, encouragement, focused attention; they matter so, so much.
But that's just a small part of the book. There's duty, humility, kindness, HOPE. Living a fulfilling life. Finding meaning. Self-awareness. Decency, joie de vivre, powerful love. Responsibility. It is impossible to read this in 2018 without feeling pain on each page (or, on audiobook, each minute); impossible not to contrast her words against the putrescence we now have in the White House. But that is not her fault, and not the point of her book. Obama's message is one of encouragement, of uplifting. Yes, of hope. She is a gifted writer and a superb human being. Please read her book, and please pass it on.