Better Than Chance
2014 • 199 pages

I'm all warm inside. That's the kind of book this is and that's a good thing. happy sigh

This is a perhaps slow to love but quick to lust story of two fairly well adjusted people getting to know each other and enjoying each other's company to the point that it could be a two character play.

Peter has some emotional baggage but by the time in his life when he encounters Jay, even though he doesn't know it at the beginning, he's ready to make the leap to the next stage of adulthood, mainly ceasing to expend emotions and energy on people and things that won't change and Jay with all his effervescence is the push he needs. He just can't stay away from Jay even though he refuses to name what they have going on. But hey, a rose is a rose is a rose.

And Jay, Jay, Jay! What a sweet and uncomplicated man. How refreshing to find characters who have no major issues, who come from a from loving families, have good friends and are comfortable in their own skin and that's Jay. He's a regular person living his life, perhaps hoping for love but with no major hang ups or kinks. To quote W.H. Auden

For the error bred in the bone Of each woman and each man Craves what it cannot have, Not universal loveBut to be loved alone.

Once Jay meets Peter destiny has come calling and we are in for a slow burn, low angst and sexy journey and Jay, whose POV we get the story from, is warm and entertaining company.

Special mention for [a:Tyler Stevens|6519636|Tyler Stevens|]'s narration. Fantastic.

***If you are doing the series, and you should, it's great to see/meet Aaron before Matt. ;-)

September 6, 2016Report this review