Between Two Shores

Between Two Shores

2019 • 409 pages


Average rating4


When I read a book I am all in, I can hear, see and feel what the characters are going through. Towards the end of the book, as I read the words they took my breath away. I felt angry, sad but also understanding of the twists and turns. If you are one who doesn't like a predictable ending – this one is for you!

It is historical fiction with Christian themes throughout. I really like that the author doesn't hold back, as it is not a fluffy storyline. It is messy, descriptive and raw. It doesn't cross any lines, but also paints a realistic picture of the time period. Many strong female characters including the main character. Without giving any details or spoilers, my recommendation is to read this book if you like historical fiction about war and don't like fairytale endings.